Friday, September 4, 2015

Sponsored by Sewing Moxie Modern Backgrounds Paper FQ Bundle Giveaway!

Oh My Goodness!!! 

Meet my newest sponsor

Cindy is my kinda gal. She used to work in the corporate world for "The Man", but quickly grew weary of the big business feel.

I hear that!!!

Ooh! In Sewing Moxie's shop...

Cindy searched for years for the Thing that would provide the happiness and fulfillment that she was looking for... And then she re-discovered quilting and sewing.

Now, doesn't that sound familiar?? You know how many of us have discovered the same Thing! So, Sewing Moxie was born, and Cindy has never looked back. 

I really enjoy Cindy’s blog. That girl’s got Moxie!! Smart, funny, upbeat, sassy, what more could you ask for? And, astonishingly, Sewing Moxie's prices are a good $20 less per Fat Quarter bundle than I can find anywhere else!! Holy budget fantasy, Quiltgals!!! 
And check out This beauty!

You know how I am ALL about folks finding and following their dreams. That's right, Grrls!! 

Today, Sewing Moxie is offering you a giveaway of my favorite up and coming fabric line:

Modern Background Paper by Zen Chic for Moda!!

Can I get a Woop Woop!!

All sorts of prints and textures for your low volume backgrounds.

They're spectacular!! 

Details of the Giveaway:

1. Go to Sewing Moxie. Check out her shop. 

2. Come back here and tell me what ELSE you saw that you liked :) There's a whole lotta good going on there!!! The colors! Stop me now! 

This giveaway closes at 12 midnight Alaska time, on Monday, 9/7/15. A winner will be chosen from the appropriate responses by random number generator and my cat, Heckyl. Cause he's wearing a tux and is always ready for An Event

Good luck!!

PS, 50% off classes and supplies, this weekend only, at Craftsy!


  1. I love the color theory charm pack by V and Co. It's co cute!

  2. I love the Paradiso fat quarter pack! I am one for bright colors and its so beautiful!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Nomad is near the top of my list!

  5. I love the Modern Background in Ink. Both Ink and Paper are on my list! Thanks!!

  6. Thank you and Moxie so much for this great and generous giveaway. It is awesome! I love the Sewing Moxie website, and I am all about the Priority Square Limited edition of Art Galery. I love everything about that collection!

  7. I love the Daysail br Bonnie and Camille.

  8. She has some great Pre-Cuts at very good prices. My favorite is the Paradiso Fat Quarter Bundle by Kate Spain.
    My email is:

  9. What a great bundle, i'd love to use it to make a quilt for my dad. On the site I also love the Clover Field fabric :) x

  10. I might be in the minority, but I like the Ambleside Fat Quarter bundle. So pretty! Would love to win the Modern Background Paper. What a great giveaway. ckrutjo at g mail dot com

  11. What an interesting collection of fabrics. I like the Ladybugs by Birch Fabrics. Thanks for the giveaway.

  12. I like the moxie by moda. What beautiful and colorful prints.

  13. I really like the Charlie Harper Lady bugs! Thanks for the chance at the giveaway, it's a sweeeeet one!

  14. i liked the modern vibe and that she actually said " half-assed" in her blog. as in DONT DO ANYTHING HALF-ASSED! my kinda gal!!!!

  15. That Zen Chic paper bundle is pretty awesome! but I love the greys in the Zen Chic Ink collection!

  16. The Day Sail Charm Pack would make a cute charity baby quilt!

  17. Oh dear god I love these prints, I think I need them in Ink too!

  18. Sounds dumb, but I want the Zen Grey jellyroll, have a pattern I could use it in,

  19. Love Ambleside, thanks for chance to win

  20. Oh so much! I am Jones in on the Ink from zen chic as well as the paper. Trying to figure the budget now!

  21. Love the ink colorway of modern background.

  22. Really like Priority Square and Charley Harper. Thanks for the giveaway.

  23. I love the Modern Background in Ink. Gab giveaway, thanks for the chance.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. I love the Paradiso fat quarter pack. Thanks for the giveaway!

  26. Some very tempting fabrics on that site! I loved the other Modern Backgrounds bundle from Zen Chic, the Ink (darker colourway). The 2 would go so great together to a monochrome quilt.

  27. This is one of my favorite new collections, also love it in the ink color way in Sewing Moxie's shop!

  28. Love the Modern Background Paper, right up my alley, but also like Ambleside FQ bundle. jarvenpa1ne at gmail dot com

  29. I am loving priory square and nomad!

    determineddebby at gmail dot com

  30. I love Bank swallow blue. Thanks for a fab giveaway x
    Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com

  31. I Love the modern backyard ink bundle 😀
    Thanks for the chance to win
    Alexandra @hexenweib via Instagram

  32. I like Ambleside FQ pack. I really like the Zen Chick. Will need to get some of this one.

  33. Modern Background would have to be my pick, mind you they all have their own ability to shine in a quilt :)

  34. There are a lot of great choices. I would really like to have a Zen Grey Jelly Roll by Bella Solids. It would help me finish a white/black/grey quilt nicely.

  35. Color Therapy is wonderful! Thank you for the giveaway.

  36. I really love Ambleside!

  37. Thanks so much for introducing Sewing Moxie! You are right - wonderful prices and wonderful color! And Modern Background Paper is just the thing to make colors pop. I also really like the Ink fat quarter bundle that Sewing Moxie offers, Thanks!

  38. Thanks for the giveaway! I love the Paradiso fat quarter bundle - I've had my eye on the line since it came out!

  39. The Day Sail fabric line just catches my eye every time. Thank you for a chance at winning the fabulous "Modern Background Paper" fabrics by Zen Chic for Moda.

  40. I seem to love all the moda fabric, so any of their bundles would be my choice

  41. I have been loving Daysail - its in the shop!!

  42. I saw the Modern Background - Ink Collection - Fat Quarter Bundle by Zen Chic and I want it!!

    lin.web.28 at gmail dot com

  43. I like the Moxi Fat Quarter Bundle Pack by Studio M at SewingMoxie. Seems like an appropriate fabric line for her to carry!

  44. I love the Kate Spain Paradiso Fat Quarter Bundel and also the Modern Background bundle.

  45. I like the Ambleside Fat Quarter Bundle.

  46. You can definitely get a Woop Woop from me! Sewing Moxie certainly does have decent prices! Just what us fabric stashers want and need! One thing that caught my eye was: Moxi Fat Quarter Bundle Pack by Studio M....the colors and designs are luscious! Please tell Heckyl he looks very handsome in his tux!

  47. Priory Square's You Are Here is an awesome low volume print that would go well with the Background Paper collection. Thanks for the giveaway!

  48. Would love to get the "Moxi by Studio M" Charms...about 4 Packs! LOVE it!! Thanks for chance to win your Give-a-way! :)

  49. Awesome giveaway lovely lady :) I'm loving the Nomad bundles by Urban Chick and Daysail by Bonnie and Camille (Evil_Moogle) x

  50. I love all the charley harper fabrics!

  51. I love all the charley harper fabrics!

  52. I love her selection of Birch fabrics especially Red Eye Virio

  53. I think the Charlie Harper Ladybug fabric would make an awesome bag. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  54. I love the Modern Backgrounds in the Ink as well!!

  55. Love Nomad by Urban Chicks...and now trying to figure out a "justification" for the fiancé so I can swing back to Simply Moxie and snag it later! ;) Lovely giveaway, thanks!

  56. I'm obsessed with Paradiso in all forms.

  57. Absolutely loving all the awesome greys in the Zen Chic Ink collection!!
    Awesome giveaway girl, thanks for the chance!

  58. Oh how much lovelies! I really am drawn to the Nomad FQ bundle with its unusual colours. If only because my last name is Urban and those are designed by Urban Chick's. But I also really love the orange and the other colours they used!

  59. I love the Haunted Gala Fat Quarter Bundle by The Comstocks! LOVE it!

  60. Wonderful giveaway, thank you! I'm loving the Nomad fq bundle by urban chicks.

  61. Thanks for a great giveaway Lori and congrats on your new sponsor.
    I love the Charley Harper fabric Sewing Moxie stocks - my particular favourite is Red-Eyed Vireo...
    Jenny (ig silverbellsandcockleshells)

  62. I love the modern backgrounds in ink as well as paper, and the fq bundle moxie

  63. I love those Modern Background fabrics by Zen Chic. (I have some of the white ones. Beautiful!)

  64. Everything!!! Especially the Modern Background - Ink as I'm always looking for great backgrounds. Thanks for the chance to win.

  65. Luv both the Zen Chic collections. Ink and Paper. BUT I'm most excited about the Charley Harper fabric. My dil has been looking for this forevah! Can't wait to share this site with her and see what kind of trouble we can get into. Thanks!

  66. I like the international shipping rates, they seem to start at a bit over 1/2 of what other shops charge.
    jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

  67. I like the Nomad fat quater bundle.

  68. I really like their "Priory Square - Fat Quarter Bundle ". Pretty fabrics! Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist @

  69. I love the Charlie Harper fabrics! All gorgeous

  70. Very nice bundle of modern low volumes. Apart from that the Charley Harper fabrics are aslo right down my alley.

  71. Thank you to you and Moxie for the fabulous giveaway! The prices are amazing! I couldn't decide whih I loved the best so I'm going to go back and daydream some more and then sign up for their rewards! I'm going to be following your blog as well! Love meeting new bloggers and being inspired! Thanks for that! onlydiamonds [at] hotmail dot com

  72. I LOVE Zen Chic ink & paper! Wowza they're great! piratesbabe @

  73. What a great giveaway! I love this collection and I saw that it also comes in gray ("ink"). You're a good kitty, Heckyl. :-)

  74. Oh shoot I've been on holiday and so very nearly missed this! This is my one and only fabric want this year! But I do also love the Charley Harper prints she sells, I might just 'need' some Bank Swallow in fall - thanks so much for the chance. xxx

  75. Whoa whoa whoa. How did I miss that Modern Background INK existed?! I already loved Paper but oh my! My wishlist just got longer..

  76. also want Modern Background - Ink Collection - Fat Quarter Bundle by Zen Chic/ crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  77. I love the Eloise Renouf quilt that is up for sale featuring her Bark and Branch line of awesome fabrics.

  78. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  79. wow charlie harper fabrics !! and love that the moxie fat quarter bundle is on a great special !! need that aussie dollar to drop ! thanks for the giveaway - love the modern background !

  80. Oooh, I love the Modern Background Ink bundle. Thanks for the chance to win!

  81. Really like the Nomad Fat Quarter Bundle by Ur an Chics too but am hoping to win the Modern Backgroung Paper though

  82. I love the Modern Backgrounds in Ink as well, and Priory Square is another favorite! Thanks for introducing me to this lovely shop- I'll be checking in with them when I need some new fabrics (which is always :) ) Sarah: crjandsbj(at)netzero(dot)com

  83. Hi Lori, I know I'm too late for the giveaway. I just got too busy this weekend with out of town company, but I wanted to let you know that I checked out the Sew Moxie website and fell in love with the Moda Mixologie collection. I'd never seen that one before. Hope you're having a good week, Mary.
